Michele Daughtrey, Designer
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A new beginning - Exploratorium Capital Campaign

Exploratorium Capital Campaign

Exploratorium Capital Campaign

When the Exploratorium planned to move from their home of 40 years at the Palace of Fine Arts to the Embarcadero piers in 2013, they had two sets of requirements.

  First, to facilitate their $5 million capital campaign and provide potential donors with exclusive content.

 First, to facilitate their $5 million capital campaign and provide potential donors with exclusive content.

 Secondly, to inform the public of the beloved museum's plans to move. They wanted to tell their story and convey the excitement of the new building's potential.

Secondly, to inform the public of the beloved museum's plans to move. They wanted to tell their story and convey the excitement of the new building's potential.

donor focused

donor focused

editorial content from the building's architect

editorial content from the building's architect

media capturing video and timelapse of construction

media capturing video and timelapse of construction